Your New Vision
is Calling.
Are you going
to Answer It?

Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakens.
Carl Jung
Feel like your life has been on a holding pattern because of self-sabotage, low self esteem and fears?
Living life knowing you are a Spiritual being certainly has it's challenges.
Knowing that LOVE is the way makes us review our life experiences from a new perspective.
The recent pause has given you the opportunity to know your soul better than before. We had no choice and this has led many to awaken to a deeper truth of where we need to change.
You know it is time to create a new story and that means updating old beliefs, stepping out of your comfort zone and trusting that inner voice.
The times are changing and now more than ever it's time to contribute your knowledge, wisdom that you have gleaned from your life.
Time to dust off those inspirations that have been sitting on that inside shelf inside you.
You have raised your family and done the so called right thing for so long that your life now knows it is time to get off this holding pattern.
Your light and gifts are needed in this world.
That inner voice that was once just a whisper is now getting louder and needs some action to be taken.
A new destiny is calling for you to and its time to answer the call.
Will you accept or decline?
Let me help you drop those old stories that are on repeat.
Time to live in the NOW

Get Started

When working on my game plan to create a consulting firm, I hit a roadblock.
Janet’s patience and discernment are amazing, she has managed to help me sift through the rubble of past beliefs - false beliefs I adopted decades ago - and one by one, remove them and replace them with the PSYCH-K method.
Janet saved me years of therapy in just a in such a short time and I am so grateful.
Thank You!
SWH in Ohio, USA


Professional PSYCH-K® Facilitator
at Subconscious Change