Letting go of Judgement
This has always been challenging for me in the past but over the last few years I find myself catching myself listening to my inner thoughts.
My goal last year was to STOP judging others but also to let go of judging myself. It's not easy to do but when I began to LOVE myself and my journey here on this planet this became easier for me to do.
Realizing that everyone has some kind of inner pain and problem brought me to a space of non-judgement. Even catching myself doing this made me realize that old wounds need to be looked at again to see where we are getting stuck.
A repeating groove just like on an old recording record or a scratch on a disc that keeps repeating stops: this makes us realize that we are stuck in the past.
We are often our worst bullies as we berate ourselves for not being better, smarter, more loving, prettier, the list can go on. When we can look at our past as the building blocks of our brillant future our life changes.
When we begin to realize that we are perfect just the way we are ,then the miracles start happening in our lives.
There are NO MISTAKES. Everything happened for a reason and brought you to the space that you are in today. When you truly begin to believe this your life will begin to change.
This is what I am all about .
My life is changing in so many ways when I began to love my past and see the lessons for the Spiritual love that I have around me.
I want the same for you.