Were you ever Bullied?
I often see articles in the news about this stuff still happening in schools, in the worksplace. on the homefront, in our military etc.and the terrible effects it has on those involved. This question was on my Facebook feed today by a friend and it hit home again for me as I began to remember how I had been treated in my school when I was growing up.
I was that kid back in the fifties that had to wear those awful horn-rimmed glasses to school and still to this day cannot put those type of frames on my face despite the fact that they are popular. Even though I told my parents about being teased there was not much they could do except comfort me and hear the stories of their past about how they had been teased and bullied. My Mom had beautiful red hair and was called " Carrot -top" and my Dad had been badly burned as a child and had terrible scarring on his face and body so he was bullied for the way he looked as well. So their stories made me feel silly about my glasses. It was such a long time ago but the old memories still have somestill surface but in a different way.

The effects of being bullied are far reaching and yet this behaviour set me on my life path of helping those that experienced this. Our past is often reflected in our present day lives in very subtle ways. What I mean by this is that this creates our energy field that surrounds us and this creates our life experiences. When I began to acknowledge this in my life it felt like a beacon of light had started to shine on my past and the hurtful times I used to remember changed. My life became clearer, easier and certainly more peaceful. by forgiving the bullies of my past and by being aware of how those painful memories served me and brought me to a more aware present.