Can You Speak Your Anger?
I knew for years I could not speak my anger. I didn't from fear.
Being in an abusive relationships teachs you to stay quiet so you can be safe. Unfortunatley this causes havic with your body, mind and soul. When you chose to stay quiet, what happens is your anger turns inward and harms you in many ways including your health.
Your health reflects your thought patterns. Negative thoughts root into your cells. Many of my favourite books have been written on this topic which allowed me to connect to my emotions to what was happening to my physically.
My body has been reacting to not being able to speak my anger since I was young. I kept up this practice for so many years it became natural not to speak my anger. Then the habit of staying quiet became to occur with other emotions. When I was exasperted, annoyed, frustrated or furious, my jaw became tight and my throat often became sore.
One of my biggest lessons came when I developed Bell's Palsy. I came back into a situation I knew in my heart and soul I didn't want to, but felt I had no choice. I had to come back into an abusive relationship as I was pregnant and did not feel that I could handle life on my own.
I was able to heal the Bell's Palsy without drugs, and years later I learned it occurred when I refused to see what was staring me in the face. Now I make sure I speak my feelings in the best way that serves me.
It also turned out to be a blessing in diquise as it took me on a path that changed my life. I help others see the blessings in their painful lessons of life.
Let's find out if you do what I used to: ask yourself these questions using a scale of 1-5 to help you identify the intensity of your anger. (1 being nothing and 5 being intense)
1) I'm exasperated (because/when/that) ________________________________________
(i.e. I'm exasperated when I ask people to clean up after themselves and they don't do it.)
2) I'm annoyed ____________________________________________
3) I'm frustrated ___________________________________________
4) I 'm angry______________________________________________
5) I 'm furious ____________________________________________
By learning to speak your anger you will be helping yourself release this energy and not have it affect your body.
What do you hold on to the most?