Are you turning down your manifestations?
This picture is what happens when I got out of my own way years ago. Myself and a friend meeting one of my favourite authors Shakti Gawin.
Are you turning down your manifestations?
When I pondered that question I knew that I was being told to get out of my own way once again. I made the decision to really let spirit direct my choices and since then very interesting things have been happening in my daily life.
Like many of you I make plans to manifest new things and experiences into my life, so I begin with getting really clear about what it is I want and start writing down the best case scenarios on paper. I also start to re-read books that I am drawn to again and am always amazed about the information I read. I know that I have read this particular book before but the words are really sinking in differently this time . The book that beckoned to me again is written by a favourite autho of mine Marianne Williamson called " The Law of Divine Compensation". I bought it when it first came out in 2012 and then added it to my library. So the universe provided.
Not in the way I thought but it was still a manifestation that I needed to move forward with my plans and become aware of how the universe is set up to help us when we become aware.
Currently on the chapter called " Embracing Abundance" right after a weekend of Thanksgving here in Canada. I was fortunate to have two opportunites of giving thanks, one with family and one with friends. Two totally different experiences. The one with family was my expended family of inlaws and it had quite a few episodes where feelings were hurt with words and not actions. I did my best to relect on the experience when I got home. I had a cup of coffee at the end of the meal and thought nothing of it until I got home. Then of course I was up most of the night as i have not had coffee for at least 3 weeks. So this made me realize that I had cleaned up my habits to the point that could really see how it affected me.
Again a manifestation that I needed to experience to see the abundance of my health, not what I had expected.
The second dinner was with friends and once again I became aware of things that I needed to be aware of to move myself forward in my life. I was really looking forward to this dinner as I knew that I would be seeing old friends that I had not seen for over 3 years and so much has happened to me in three years. I did not realize just how much I had grown when I started to hear such things like " I can't do that or it has to happen this way" . I was so thankful to become aware of the gifts that the universe had provided for me when I became aware of how my interacting with my friends had brought me the miracles that I needed to hear because I was open.
So many people discount the miracles that are happening in their lives all time by discounting the other people and what they are saying as not important. We have to be open and willing to accept that the universe at that moment and not dictate to the universe on how it is to happen.
By really listening and being in the moment , I was at the right place at the right time and accepted the gifts of both dinners and did not turn down the manifestations of both of these events
They both gave me something to blog about and take away a great lesson. I also found a picture of myself meeting Shakti with my friend that won a contest. She asked me to go with her because she knew I loved her books. Just by putting it out there I got what the universe had in store for me. How perfect is that? I needed to be reminded of this.
So by deciding to become aware of the moments in your lives with different eyes and ears you will be accepting the manifestations in your live and not turning them down.